I decided last night that I should update this baby more often since the, em, baby is coming this fall. I was going to write all of this stuff down, but I think already scribbling in a notebook all the livelong day makes it hard to want to write stuff down.
Last night was the first time I felt the baby kick from the outside, which was pretty neat in the fact that it means Andy will get to feel her kick soon. I say her because yes, we're having a girl. At least, the ultrasound tech said with 85 to 90 percent certainty that the baby has lady bits and not the other way around.
I've been feeling a little bit of activity since about 16 weeks and was able to rule out gas a couple weeks later because it felt like I was having twitches in my stomach instead of a grumbly stomach. It's a cool feeling, but kind of weird at the same time. Maybe this makes me a bad mommy to say it, but sometimes her jabs are a little uncomfy. But I'm getting more used to it so it's getting a little less weird. I still get a little caught off guard when I'm sitting in a meeting, focused on taking notes and all of the sudden feel a little one-two punch. But I'm really grateful to feel her kick after the last two experiences before her. It's reassuring to feel her because I know that she's still doing okay in there.
I'm getting used to being greeted by the question "How are you feeling?" by every. single. person. that I don't see every day.
For some reason it really annoyed me in the beginning to be asked that by everyone I ran into. Or maybe that's because shortly after telling everyone we went to a party where all of the 20 people there asked me that same question at some point during the day, and I was already tired and cranky from being pregnant in the first place.
I'm glad to finally be showing. I still barely look pregnant but it's nice to see some evidence from the outside of what's going on in the inside.