Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New stuff soon

Wow, I've dropped the ball with this whole blogging thing.  I will update very soon with a photo blog type thing for everything that's been going on for the past few weeks with work and life.  For now, here's my favorites for the moment.
More to follow soon, but should probably go to bed since tomorrow is Tuesday.  Then to be followed by Wednesday.

My cake pop king.
Fun night!

"Can I go in the tower?"
Bane of my existence.
Best photo ever!

More difficult than you would think.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Girls guide to crochet and shelving

Since "House" is currently pushing my Grossometer level into overdrive, I figured I would write until the gory stuff is over.   
Some sort of cold or flu bug is currently kicking my buns.  I rarely get sick, and if I do, I get over it usually within three days.  I started feeling the scratchiness in my throat Wednesday, felt pretty crappy Thursday and Friday and was somewhat down for the count on Saturday and Sunday.  Luckily, my boss is super cool and let me take off early Thursday, Friday and today.
Feeling better now, just experiencing the end portion of a cold with all of that coughing and snot goodness.
Mr. Bug didn't stop me from doing my Lincoln library volunteer training on Friday, though.
Having been a shelver at the Roseville Public Library, a lot of it was the same, but I did have to get to know the library's set up, shelving system and how to check books in.
I forgot how much I miss shelving.  I'm going to be a little rusty with checking books in, especially DVD's and audio books, but I'll get there in time.
Shelving, though.  There is just something so very relaxing, almost zen-like, about sorting books by author or dewey decimal system, and then slapping 'em up on those shelves.  I know I sound like an extreme dork, but I love it.
I "accidentally" got myself signed up for the Lincoln Women's Club.
I was interviewing the president, and she was talking about all of the different sub-groups the club has, like Mahjongg and scrapbooking.  I was all, "Hey, that sounds like fun.  Maybe I'll join."
Those words were my kiss of death.  I'm only partly kidding about that.  I'm looking forward to joining, and I've even agreed to be leader of the crochet group.  Our first project will be baby hats.  So, anyone woman in Lincoln want to join me, hit me up.  
They meet in this beautiful 80+ year old building on E Street.  Most of them are over 60, but they are the sweetest old ladies, and they all seemed super excited to have me join them.  I'm told there are others in their 30's, 40's and 50's.  I have not seen them yet.
Oh yeah, and we're gearing up for the Cake Pop Heroes stand.  More on that later.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Holy family, Batman!

There is something about the months of April and May that means hanging out with some branch of our family at least once a week.
Not that I'm complaining, but it truly shows how different each branch truly is, and it's something I've grown to appreciate over time.
For instance, last Sunday we drove to Vacaville for my maternal grandfather's 81st birthday lunch at a "popular" Mexican restaurant.
I made a beeline for the seat across from my dad and one of my brothers. I basically chose the boy end of the table.
As much as I like my girl time, boy time is very much needed for my sanity.
My side of the family tends to be very outspoken, and that was in full bloom last Sunday with my side of the table.
We talked about cars, public safety (one of my uncles is a paramedic/firefighter in San Francisco), speeding in cars and getting away with it (nice Dad, real nice) and raising chickens in the backyard.
The chicken conversation did take a turn for the worse.
"You don't name chickens cute names, you name them after ways you cook them. Come
here, Broiled. Leave him alone, Seven Herbs and Spices!"
Some how we got into talking about hamsters and terrible things people do with hamsters, and we had the coolest waitress.
"You know, gerbils are better."
When I asked her to elaborate, she didn't have an answer for me, and someone told me I should research it and write a book.
I will pass.
Lunch was awesome, I enjoyed every minute of it, and hope we all do it again soon.
We attended a birthday party yesterday for my husband's little sister, and my favorite part of the whole day was picking out a birthday present for her.
In addition to the flower pot (complete with real flower) that I painted for her, we decided to get her a doll to help her cope with the impending birth of her little sister.
At Target, we headed to the doll portion of the toy department.
Little sis likes Disney princesses, and her favorite is Belle. We found some baby dolls that were like junior versions of Disney princesses. They had Aurora, Tiana and Ariel.
We chose Ariel, since there was no Belle, and there was a matching Ariel tiara that could be purchased separately. Prior to choosing Ariel, though, there was some discussion about the fact that she had legs.
Legs, not a tail. Hubs was the one who brought that up, saying that she was born with a fin, not legs. The doll doesn't quite match up with what is featured in the movie, since Ariel wasn't born a human, he says. We decided that was okay, though, and got it for her anyway.
We were the first ones to the party, and in the first five minutes of being there, little sis was a duck, horse, chicken and took me on a magic carpet ride. It was adorable.
The thing I love about hanging out with that particular branch of the family is that I think all of us, even the grown-ups, are all kids at heart, and like to have a good time.
We enjoy each others company, and aren't afraid to be goofy, like getting on the floor and coloring, and sending text-message commentary to one another.
I've also been a lot happier this week. I recently came to the realization that I need to remember to go with the flow more often, and make it a point to have a good time wherever I am. I've also decided that I'm going to say no more often, and not do every single little think anyone wants me to do anymore. This doesn't mean I'm going to be slacker, but my family (hubs, dog and future kids) is my number one priority, so if something conflicts with that interest I choose my family.
I've also decided to hold those close to me accountable for their actions. If you do something that affects me or my family in a negative way, I will tell you how I feel about it in the nicest way that I can. Life is too short to allow people "roll over" me.