Elmo's World just came on, so I've got about ten minutes to write and have a cup of coffee before Lucy gets bored again and Jackson wakes up. I lead a glamorous life.
Before I had kids, I knew we would one day have to be careful about how much we said the F-word and other delights around children.
But I never considered how quick they pick up on every day things you say around them.
Mainly, the things I say over and over again in response to her daily shenanigans.
And I've learned based on what she's repeating, I'm doing things right because she's not repeating swear words or the word no.
For example.
She's been yelling "Back!" at everything from the dogs to other kids we see when out and about, so my response has been, "Hey, be nice."
So when she's playing or winding down for a nap, she shrieks, "Back!!" followed by, "Hey, be nice."
Or she'll shout out that she wants something, like a snack or to go outside, and if it's time to do whatever it is she's demanding, I'll say, "Say please, nicely," which is followed up by a "please nicely."
I started this post two days ago and had a bunch of examples in my head, but they've since flown the coop. My brain isn't nearly what it was before I had children, so pardon me. : )
Hope you all are having a nice Sunday!
We had breakfast at our favorite place, Awful Annie's and went to take a look at the house we are hoping to buy soon. Sunday always goes by so fast. Sigh.

Last night, we picked the date, time and place for Lucy's 2nd birthday party.
I cannot believe she is turning two, any more than I can't believe Jackson turns six months next month, let alone that I have TWO kids now. Two. Damn.
We will not be doing the crazy big blowout we did for her birthday last year. This year we're keeping it simple with immediate family and close friends at a local park.
Since she's crazy about Sesame Street (mostly Elmo), I'm going to be making an Elmo cake and some sort of Sesame Street themed cupcakes.
We're also going to have a pinata for the older kids who will be going, but Andy brought up a good point, we should get one that is not in the shape of an animal or person, so we don't freak Lucy out.
I'm pretty sure she would lose her shit if she saw her cousins and friends going after an Elmo pinata. No good.
Excuse me while I go cry in a corner about the fact that in a few short weeks I'm going to have a two year old. It seems like yesterday we were driving to the hospital for my c-section, and now she's doing this:
And this:
Here's my sweet girl right after she was born:
And at her one-year check-up:
Time flies fast, kids. Hug your babies, because one day they'll be independent and (sometimes) stinky toddlers.