Saturday, November 1, 2014

Old house love

I took a totally unintentional break from blogging this past month, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with, oh, I don't know, moving.
We've been living in our new house for three weeks now, but today marks the day that the Lincoln house is no longer ours.  
I had a mini-meltdown this morning when I realized that it was Nov. 1, and yesterday was the last day it was ours.
Andy and I did some cleaning over there during the week, and I made it maybe two hours into cleaning without crying over some memory I had.  I think I was in Lucy's room, and realizing that someone was probably going to paint over her mural made me pretty sad and then it was all over from there.
I like to say that I(we) grew up in that house.  It was the first house we bought, and we spent most of the time we've been married there.  We brought Brody home to that house, we had so many parties and shenanigans, and then we brought each of our babies home to that house.  That house will always have a special place in my heart.
Enough with all of the sappy shit, though.  How about a trip down memory lane?
 Ahh, my graduation party.  We later found the "baby" behind the TV.

 Dirty Scrabble was born at this table.
 And who can forget the adult pinata party?  We stuffed it full of miniature bottles of booze, quarters, candy and poppers.

Aaaaand our very first Halloween party, where Jeff (left) dressed up as Scott (right).
 We brought Lucy home here!!
 And Brody.

 We made Cake Pops...
 And brought Cartman home!

 And had six Christmases...
 And five Halloweens (two of which I remember, hee hee).
 And we brought Jackson home here!
Goodbye, old friend.  You were a really good house, we were very lucky to have you!
(There were so many more pictures I could have posted, but as you can see, I have two little children, and ain't nobody got time for that.)