Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring has sprung

I've been inspired to start writing in this thing again after reading my bud Christy's blog this afternoon.
It's been quite some time since I've posted, almost two years, in fact.
A lot has changed since then. Well, only one thing has really changed.
I'm no longer a Starbuckian, I've worked full time for my city's newspaper, as the only reporter.
This last year and a half has been quite a ride. I've been turning out as little as eight and as many as 15 stories a week, which has been pretty crazy but has helped keep me a busy bee.
Andy and Brody make me laugh every day, I'm so glad to have those two by my side every day.
I'm quite proud of Andy. He's been going to school for drafting and will be finishing up this year. I'm glad that he's found something that he loves to do, because that is so important.
I would say most of the time, I love what I do. I have met so many awesome people over the last year and have been through so many different experiences.
I'm wondering if I should change the name of this blog. Samsel isn't my last name anymore, but a friend suggested that I use the name "Samsel in Distress," and how often do you find a play on words that faboo?
I'm going to try and update this thing at least once a week. After reading Christy's blog, and seeing how much history is contained there for her to look back on, and with all of the random stuff I deal with, por que no?

1 comment:

ChristyLove said...

Just a head's up, my two cents, and a bunch of other cliche's worth of me sticking my nose in your bidnazz, I love the name of your blog. Very fun. Also, it gives you some anonymity(sp?) because it's not your name anymore.