Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Not sure if this could be considered nesting, but I had a burst of energy to conquer a couple of projects around the house tonight even though it's Wednesday and I'm usually beat.  I was tired when I got home but suddenly was overcome with the need to do the following:
  • Sanitize and put away all 10 pacifiers we received at last weekend's baby shower.
  • Completely take apart and wipe down with Lysol wipes the hand-me-down high chair we recently received.
  • Wash receiving blankets and the aforementioned high chair cushion.
  • Organize diapers in the baby's closet with the newborn ones the most easily accessible.
  • Fight the urge to drive to Target and purchase a hamper and laundry detergent for the baby's clothing so I can start washing it. 

It doesn't help that I've had numerous people tell me they think I'm going to be early because of my height.  But if my height was a factor, wouldn't I look 12 months prego by now?  Come on, peeps.
Regardless, being 32 weeks is just a reminder that I've only got five to go until the baby is considered full term.  I feel like we're running out of time to get stuff done, but then again, she has a place to sleep, clothing, a place to have a diaper change, food and two parents who can't wait to meet her.   What more could she want or need?

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