Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Learning curve

Hopefully soon I'll have the time and energy to write her birth story.
Her as in Lucille Marie, AKA Lucy.
Yep, we had a baby.  She was born at 18:48 on Sept. 1, weighing in at 7 lbs 5 oz, 19 3/4 inches long.
Gotta make this short since who knows when she'll wake up!
Here's a couple things I've learned in the past ten days:

  • C-Section recovery not as bad as I thought it would be
  • My husband is an amazing father.  I knew that before she was even born, but now I really know it, if you know what I mean.  He's better at changing diapers than I am, and absolutely adores Lucy.  They kind of just hang out together, it's really cute.
  • It sucks being stuck to one room with her, due to her low white blood cell count.  And not having visitors is hard.  But anything to keep her safe we're willing to do.  But she's basically quarantined for a month.
  • Face masks make my skin really dry.  I caught a cold in the hospital, and while I feel better, I have to wear a mask around the baby until my cough goes away.
  • I can get by on sleeping in one hour chunks during the night, but should probably nap more during the day.  I tend to forget I just had major surgery and try to take on the world (chores) even though Andy reminds me not to overdo it.
  • Lucy is a noisy sleeper, but can sleep through anything (dogs barking, videos on the laptop)
  • I don't think I realized just how busy we would be between feedings, diaper changes, burping, pumping breastmilk, nursing, napping, baby laundry and finding time for the dogs. I should totally be sleeping right now.
  • I never thought making a phone call would be a task.  I don't normally enjoy talking on the phone, I'm much more of a texter/IM'er.  But now it's like, okay, she just fell asleep, so what should I do with that precious time in between?  I usually choose nap or read a book.  I feel bad for those who would like to talk with me on the phone, but sometimes I just can't drum up the energy to do that.  I never thought a phone call would require energy.
I'm sure I'll be learning lots more as the days, weeks, months and years go on.  I'm so glad we did this, I think that's the biggest thing I've learned.  I love my daughter, and hopefully her immune system will be up to par soon and she'll be able to meet everyone who loves her already.

1 comment:

JustMe said...

It's like a Ph.D crash course. Glad to hear you're on the Honor Roll. Thanks for posting your Cliff Notes. Hugs to you and your graduating class. ;)