Monday, March 11, 2013

WAHM bam, thank you m'am

WAHM, in case your wondering, stands for Work At Home Mom.
To get you up to speed, I ended up not going back to work after my 12-weeks of maternity leave was up.  This little one occupies the majority of my day:

 Now that we're past the whole sleeping all day and eating all day phase, we've gotten into a pretty good groove.

Andy is now working two jobs to make up for me not working, and it's nice because this way we see each other way more than we would have if I'd gone back to work.

We were going to tag team it and one of us would be at work and the other home with Lucy, which thinking about it now was a crazy idea.

In order to bring in a little extra money, I've been freelancing for The Placer Herald.

I thought it would be super easy reporting and writing articles, because I'd just do all that stuff while she napped, right?

If I had been gifted with a child that napped anywhere with my arms, that would be the case.  Haha.

So now I make phone calls while she's playing in her exersaucer or the floor, and write stories at night.

She's even gone with me for two photo shoots and one interview.

The first photo was a little awkward.  Lucy was about four months old, and decided not to nap all day.  So in the Moby wrap she went, and though she got a little fussy while I was taking the photo, we got it done.

This past Friday, we went to interview a 62-year-old Japanese woman, Takako, who has been living in Rocklin and studying at Sierra College for the past year.  Lucy was asleep when we got there, so I wheeled her into the lady's home and there she slept for most of the interview.  She was pretty happy when she woke up and sat in my lap for the rest of the interview.

It got a little hairy, because Takako's host lady needed privacy downstairs to do some counseling, so we went to my interviewees room and Lucy was not happy.  Takako offered to hold Lucy, but that didn't last too long because Lucy gets squirrely if someone new is holding her.

It was a lot less stressful than I thought it would be since Lucy is pretty well-behaved and happy, and just went with the flow.

We visited Sierra College today in order to take a photo of Takako at lunch.  Since Lucy didn't get much of a morning nap, she fell asleep in the car again, so I put her in the stroller (much like Friday) and wheeled her to the cafeteria.  She stayed asleep the whole time while I was taking the photo and interviewing Takako's classmates.

Working at home hasn't been too bad, but I'm definitely doing less than I was when working sans child.  At The News Messenger, I was doing about 8 to 10 stories a week, and now it's one story every week or two weeks.

One story every two weeks is about all I'm comfortable with at the moment.  Any more than that and I feel like I'm not spending good quality time with Lucy because I get stressed with more than that.

It's funny how your life changes with a kid, that's for sure!!



Patrick said...

Like the title

Stephanie Dumm said...

Thank you : )

Dumm Family said...

I love that you are such a great mom!!! I miss your face!!