Thursday, January 9, 2014

Because I feel like complaining today...

  • Today was the fifth or sixth day in a row that Lucy has gotten up at 4 a.m.  I'm at a loss for what to do about that.  We used to be able to get her back to sleep for another two hours but now she won't sleep unless she's on one of us.  Since that's not how we roll, she doesn't go back to sleep.  Andy suggested starting our day at 4 a.m. to she learns that sleeping with us won't happen just because she's up early.  I know he's right, but it's hard to want to do that at 4 a.m.
  • Since I have two photo assignments today, she'll probably sleep in the car which means no naps for mom.  I really hope spacing our kids 18 months apart is worth it, because being pregnant with a one-year-old who doesn't like sleep is the pits.
  • Our high efficiency water heater is working a little too efficiently.  I went to take a shower at 9:30, 4 1/2 hours after the last shower was taken and never got hot water, just tepid.
I really hope today starts getting better.  


MLS Yet? said...

And I thought having to wake up to construction starting outside my window at 7am for over a year was bad...At least I have, as far as I've experienced, endless hot water at my apartment!

I'd at least be happy to do some photo assignments :)

Stephanie Dumm said...

They are pretty fun. : )
Today it's a photo of a pediatrician in action and a Soroptomist International meeting at Denny's.