Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Last week was a big week for us, as our little lady started preschool.
We enrolled her in the same preschool her cousins went to, which is actually part of our local high school's Family and Consumer class.
Her teachers are a bunch of high school students who are interested in future careers of working with children.

It has actually gone a lot better than I was expecting.  When I say that, I mean she actually let me leave the first day without any tears!!
She just saved her crying for AFTER I left the school.
I got a phone call on the first day, about an hour before school was supposed to be out (school is only two hours, three days a week) from the teacher in charge of the preschool program.
The teacher said that Lucy was having a rough day, and was crying for me sporadically during the day.
I guess she was fine when she was allowed to free play with toys, but when it was time for structured activities, like circle time and art, she cried.  Which I thought was slightly funny because of course she's going to cry for me when she's told to do something she doesn't want to do. o_0
While I didn't have to come pick her up, the teacher gave me the option to do so, which naturally I did because I felt bad that she was so sad!  I ended up picking her up 20 minutes early, which is not bad for a first day.
The next morning, the teacher assured me that the crying was normal and that they are happy to work with her.  I guess the only reason she called me during the first day was because she didn't want me to come pick Lucy up and then be told at pick-up that she cried.  She asked if it was okay to not call unless she's inconsolable and then just tell me whether or not she cried at pick-up, which I'm fine with because hello, she's going to have to get used to school eventually, so why not start now?
All in all, it's been a pretty positive experience so far.  She's excited every morning when I drop her off and tells us everything they did that day during school when I pick her up, and she asks to go to preschool every day.
And I'm excited to go grocery shopping with only one kid.  And Target.  And the post office.
Because we all know errands with one is way better than two!

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