Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm still in shock hours later, but L slept from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. this morning!
Of course I woke up twice in the night on my own out of habit and to check on her.
Not getting my hopes up about repeat performances, but happy today nonetheless.
We've been working on getting a bedtime routine for baby girl.  Since I'm going back to work in two and a half weeks and I'll need to survive the morning without a nap, this is important.
Prior to this week, it was go to bed whenever and wake up whenever, and still be tired and take a nap mid-morning.
Now it's bath every other day around 6:30/7 p.m., put on pajamas, swaddle, nurse and bed by 8 p.m., with a ”snack” nursing session around 11 p.m.
Which is nice because it means an hour or so to: take a bath; hang out with Andy and watch a movie; craft; read; look at Pinterest/Regretsy/Reddit on the laptop and not my phone; be lazy.
I haven't quite been able to get to bed before 11, which is probably why I need a nap, but damn, I need my me-time!
Wish I didn't have to prepare for the transition into working, I'm going to miss my girl, but may as well set us up for success.

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