Please excuse me if I'm a little cranktastic for the next few weeks.
If you are one of my Facebook friends or follow me on Twitter, you'll notice that from time to time I complain about the wee one's sleep patterns. Most of my angsty posts happen between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. Well, it's been awhile since I've really whined about getting up early or being awoken every hour because we finally got into a good bedtime and naptime groove, which minimal fussing at both.
Until this week.
First Lucy came down with an icky cold the week before Christmas, was on the mend from that and then got hit with a stomach bug. The poor kid was so miserable and congested from the cold that we let her sleep in our bed for a night or two, but all of her naps were with us on the couch. Then the puking happened and we were worried she would puke in her sleep so again we bedshared for about two nights.
Now she's all better, but unfortunately she's teething and has been hit with a super-clingy phase, which I'm attattributing to Wonder Week 64.
I cannot for the life of me get her to nap in her crib, which resulted in no naps on Thursday. She got lucky on Friday, because Andy's mom babysat and they napped together. Hey, I"m not that strict and I'm just glad she slept.
So we're back to the crying in the crib instead of napping, the waking up screeching and wanting to cuddle at 11 p.m. and 4 a.m.
I know this will pass, we've gotten through it before, it's just hard to see the end when you're in the weeds.
1 comment:
When I was a child I used to wonder why the grown ups liked to take naps all the time. Now I know.
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