Monday, January 27, 2014

Baby #2 Update

I had a 32-week ultrasound just to check up on the little guy and make sure that he's doing okay.  What the doctor was looking for was to see if there was any bleeding anywhere, specifically in the brain. 
That's because my autoantibody goes after platelets in our babies, and there is the potential for bleeding since we don't know if it has attacked his platelets yet. 
Luckily there was none and everything was looking good, as per the doctor.  The ultrasound tech estimated that he already weighs a little over four pounds, so if he gains 1/2 a pound a week we could end up with an eight pound baby!  That's a lot of baby.
So either my infusions are working or we're just getting lucky again like we did with Lucy.  She didn't show signs of platelet issues until after she was born.
Unlike Lucy, this one appears to be head down, so I'm having a list of different discomforts than last time.
I certainly don't remember peeing as often, this early. 
Also, instead of a constantly dull ache underneath my right ribcage, I'm getting sharp pains in my ribs every once in awhile which I can only guess to be feet jamming up in them.
I'm having way more Braxton Hicks contractions than I did last time, too, so I'm a little worried about going into labor on my own (and way early) and not making it to my scheduled c-section date.
I'm actually kind of sad about him being head down, because if we didn't have these complications with the platelets, I could have possibly labored and delivered naturally instead of having a c-section.
When I was pregnant with Lucy, we attended childbirth classes and learned how to go through labor without pain medication and were really looking forward to the process.
When I found out she was breech and would have to have a c-section, I felt like a lot was taken away from me.  Of course, when we discovered the platelet issues and that Lucy probably would not have survived childbirth, I felt better about the situation.
But a little part of me will always be bummed that I'll never give birth the conventional way, and I'd definitely rather not be cut open on a table, but what can you do?
As long as our kids are safe, that's all that matters.

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