I always say I'm going to write more, but then I never do. But a lot happens in life and it's a shame to not record it! I was so great about keeping a journal in high school, but that's fallen by the wayside.
Seeing that things are going to get a lot more interesting here in about two months, what better way to get in the habit of blogging than to resolve to blog at least twice a week?
Anywho. The holidays are over I guess as of today. I was really having a blast getting into the holiday spirit up until about a week before Christmas, and then Lucy and I both got colds.
Before that I made sugar cookies for the first time! I used this recipe for the cookies, and this recipe for the sugar cookie icing. I was specifically looking for a way to make icing without using egg whites, because the whole salmonella thing freaks me out.
I had a blast cutting out the cookies once I realized you need to use a metric ton of flour to roll them out and cut them.
Andy helped me ice the cookies, and it was really a two man job! I mixed the icing and piped it onto the cookies and he spread it out. Lucy just wandered around the kitchen.
Maybe it's because I was pregnant and getting over a cold during Christmas week, but I was definitely relieved when all of our Christmas festivities were over. The Saturday before Christmas was the annual Dumm family Christmas party, and Lucy and I were both at critical mass with our colds. Sunday we did nothing! But then Monday we were at his mom's place, Tuesday his dad's, Christmas was in Vacaville with my grandparents and family, and Thursday we went to Lodi to have lunch with my stepmom, sister and her husband since my sister was in town from Arizona.

Friday it was back to normal. I had my infusion that day, but luckily Andy was off and he was able to watch Lucy. Which was all good until he texted me about an hour before my infusion was done, letting me know he thought he had the stomach flu.
Poor guy was down for the count by the time I got home, but Lucy seemed normal. Or so I thought. We were snuggling on the couch together while Andy was resting in the other room, and I had just given Lucy a banana to snack on not half hour before. She coughed a little bit (normal, since she was at the tail end of a cold), and then proceeded to puke all over my shirt. Luckily it all ended up on me and not a drop of it ended up on the couch! I thought it was related to her cough, and thought it was a one-off. She and I had chicken pot pie for dinner, Andy had nothing, and seriously 30 minutes after dinner I saw her dinner again (and the couch was not so lucky this time).
I had been feeling smug the week before that my child had never vomited on me before after talking to my sister-in-law about her kids having the stomach flu. Guess that's what I get! After some Pedialyte for Lucy, Gatorade for Andy and a bland diet for the both of them, they were both fully recovered by Sunday.
She slept with me Friday night and rolled off our bed, making it a week full of firsts! Poor kid was so tired on Saturday she passed out watching Cake Boss on the couch. That almost never happens!
Cool stuff.
Thank you. : )
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