Valentine's Day kicked off a busy weekend that this prego is still recovering from.
On Wednesday and Thursday I had to sneakily shop for and put together Andy's Valentine's Day gift basket because he worked from home both of those days.
I put together a six pack of some of this favorite things: beer, hot sauce and chocolate. Cost Plus World Market lets you put together your own six pack of beer, and each beer ranges in price from $1.99 to $5. They also have hot sauces from around the world, but I already knew I'd be going with Sriracha since he's been asking me for weeks to get a bottle. I found a bottle of Sriracha mayo, too, which he's been digging.
I didn't want to just give him the six-pack in the cardboard box from the store, so I wrapped it in a grocery bag and went a little nuts with some pom poms, glue and glitter glue.
On Friday, I had my usual infusion. I had mentioned to Andy that he should come visit me in my chair that day, and he said he didn't think he could get away from work.
Halfway through, one of the ladies at check-in walked back to my chair and asked me if I had a husband. I said yes, so she asked me if he was here, did I want to see him? o_0
Of course I said yes, but I was laughing when I did. The nurses said it was because they didn't want to risk sending him back there if he was someone I didn't want to see. If I knew he was coming I would have told them up front and they wouldn't have been so protective. : )
He brought me flowers, a card and some coffee and hung out for a little bit, which was a nice change.
Since we'd already left Lucy with a sitter that morning, we decided to stay in that night. I might be a weirdo about this, but Lucy has a hard enough time being left as it is, and I didn't want to make her sad twice in one day.
Dinner was heart shaped pizzas and a cherry pie with hearts cut out of the top crust. I was so tired and frazzled from chasing my spider monkey all afternoon that I forgot to take pictures.
Lucy "gave" Andy a large Hershey Kiss, and she got her first taste of chocolate that day.
Ladies and gents, I think we have a chocolate addict. He now has to sneak bites of the Kiss in order to not tip her off that he's been in the chocolate. They grow up so fast. ; )
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