Saturday, October 4, 2014

A small town really is like a family

I realize how cliche that sounds, but it's true.
This is my last Saturday night in our small town.  
I realize a population of 43,000 isn't really that small, considering the town I grew up in only had Tonaround 1,400 people in 2000.
But Lincoln really is like a small town, and I'm really going to miss it.
Any given day, I can drive down the street and know the guy driving the garbage truck next to me, the police officer on the side of the road doing a traffic stop, the dude cleaning the fountain in Beermann Plaza and most of the guys on the fire engine racing through town.
We can go to Target for diapers and wind up stopping to talk to at least one person we know, and that's on a good day.
We try to go the library every Thursday for Mother Goose on the Loose, and love chit chatting with the librarians we've come to know and love.
We've been here for six years, and the first year we pretty much kept to ourselves.  I didn't really start getting to know people until I started working for the newspaper, and the town really grew on me, I started to get to know so many different people that I consider friends now.
I'm a little sad about moving to the next city over.  Sure it's bigger, and there's more stuff to do there, but I'm really going to miss seeing familiar, friendly faces on an almost daily basis.
Cheers Lincoln, it's been fun getting to know you.  We'll be back to visit often, I promise.


Anonymous said...

Going to miss running in to you guys :'(
-Harms clan

Stephanie Dumm said...

I'm going to miss running in to you guys, too! We should get the kids together soon.