Monday, April 15, 2013


I am so on the ball with this blogging thing.  Not!  (That was supposed to sound like Borat.)
Not this Sunday, but last Sunday, we drove to Vacaville to visit my grandparents, a.k.a. my mom's parents.
Andy had two weeks off and funnily enough that Sunday was his last day off.  Vacaville is only about an hour away, so I suppose we could visit more often but as always, life gets in the way.  You would think since I'm not working, we'd go down there more often but I'm not brave enough to drive down solo with Lucy.
She did pretty good on the drive down, but that's probably because I sat in the back seat.
It was nice to catch up with my grandparents and for them to see Lucy.  They are getting up there in age, in their early eighties, which makes me sad.
I hope that they are around long enough for Lucy to have memories of them.  
We went to lunch at the diner they like to have coffee at after church on Sundays.

 My uncle Mark and his wife Lynda live across the street from the diner, so they joined us for lunch.  We went back over to my grandparents house after lunch, but we didn't last very long over there because someone was cranky!!  Plus we had to get home to Brody and Cartman (who I like to refer to as Biscuits and Gravy.)

 Home relaxing with her doggy!

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